Sunday, February 6, 2011

February 7 - Around Westport

So, I told you we were taking a day off in Westport, and were we glad we did!  Drizzle turned to rain which turned to torrential downpour.  Then, in the afternoon it cleared up and the sun came out.

While it was raining I put a new tire on my back wheel.  I went through that tire in about a month, due to a combination of sharp aggregate on the road and me carrying a full load.  Both of our cycle computers were on the blink - I got mine working so I transferred it to Laura's bike.  My GPS is my cycling computer and is working great.  If anybody is going to tour NZ by any means and takes a GPS, talk to me about the "New Zealand Open GPS Project."  Free street maps with 95% of all businesses located on them.  A tremendous (free!) tool Laura found for me before we left.

Some words about Westport.  It was established after coal was found in the mid 1800's.  Dennistion (a short way inland) was the star project featuring a crazy inclined railway to deliver the coal to a railhead for shipment.  Lumber and fishing are also part of the local economy.  Here is the main street with a view of the municipal council offices - the tallest building in town.

 Our hostel.  It's 150 years old, beautiful inside (14 foot ceiling in the dining room) and very well kept.  And, it's still heated with coal!  Here's their coal pile (only I would take a picture of a coal bin, eh?).  Actually, somebody complained about the chill, so they started a fire today.

I hit the local museum first and then the beach after the sun came out.  So, here is my first beach photo - nice surf with some mountains in the background.  I stepped into the water - warm enough for swimming, but it looked like it might have a rip.  Apparently, the sand fleas can be bad with warnings about them in out travel book.  I saw a T-shirt in the Info Centre with the caption: "Sand Flea - the New Zealand bird of prey."  Hmmm....

Today's last photo is of part of the dock area.  They don't let the public on the jetties, so I couldn't get a great photo.  A lot of the jetties looked pretty rickety, so I was happy to stay off.  They were unloading tuna from a small fishing boat while I was there.

Back on the road tomorrow, heading for Greymouth about 100 km down the road.


  1. Thanks for posting all of your adventures! I sometimes read them at work and complain about how I would rather be there than sitting at my desk. I'm hoping they'll get tired of listening to me and let me go with you next time.

  2. Nice of you to mention Leddy and myself in your blog. You are bringing back lots and lots of pleasant memories for me! Yes, the trip from Franz Joseph to Fox was a bit of a grunt, but a bigger challenge awaits you! I refer of course to the ride from Wanaka to Arrowtown/Queenstown via Cardrona. Be sure to stop at the "Cardrona Hilton" for tea. Of course you can by-pass the climb by going through Cromwell, but the views from the top are really too stunning to miss!

    Hopefully you are staying at Makarora tonight. Apart from the karaoke in the bar, this is a great place to views stars in the southern hemisphere.

    You have done 1,800 km already? Are you planning taking in Antartica as well on this trip (because you will be reaching the south end of the South Island in no time)?

    Incidently, looking at your North Island map, it looks like you took the train into Wellington from Paraparumu. Good choice. But did you first drop in to say hello to my cousin Peter in Waikanae?

