Friday, February 11, 2011

February 112 - Lake Paringa to Haast - 51 km

2pm in the afternoon and we're done for the day!  A nice easy ride into Haast.  If you have a map handy, Haast is just under 2/3 the way down the left side of the south island.  (I tried to post a link map on the blog earlier, but I couldn't get enoughtdetail for it to be useful).

So, why the easy day?  Two reasons:
1.  Our next leg is to Makarora, 87 km away over Haast Pass (650 meters) or to Wanaka, another 54 km beyond that.  So, it will be a long leg.
2.  The Weather Service has issued a rainfall warning - 150 to 180 mm of rain in the next 30 to 36 hours.  And part of ther warning is about problems with bridges over streams & rivers. Being wimps, we hunkered down in a nice motel in Haast until it starts to clear.  Discretion is the better part of valour (and one way to avoid rain wrinkled skin).

A few photos today.  The first two are of views from Knight's Point.  The one with the faraway horizon reminds me of hiking on the west coast, where you can see down the coastline for miles (and unfortunately, have to walk there, eh, Ian?).

And, the bridge over the Haast River.  Yes, I have a facination with one lane bridges - I take my life into my hands whenever I cross one.  This one is so long that is has two passing bays on it where vehicles can pass.  We had to wait at both passing bays for vehicles.

A couple more entries in the funny signs department.  NZ names almost all of their culverts.  Why?  And, I had to snap one of Kaka Creek.  Actually, most of the streams along here are pretty clean looking.  

Another nature note:  a lot of the area around here is World Heritage 
protected because it is one of the largest intact temperate rain forest left in the world.  It is pretty scrubby forest (which is why it hasn't been exploited, no doubt) but very lush.  

Don't know when we will be on next.  We were going to try Skype, but the Internet connection around 
here is pretty marginal.  


  1. WHEW!!!....had to catch up to you guys....
    I just read through 860kms of your travels...that's not taking in to account the posts you made when you played tourista's on a few days. Looks like you are having a terrific time. I have enjoyed all your photos Greg and particularly your sense of humor! Best of luck crossing over the Haast Pass, that will be a bit of a puff I bet. Careful on those 1 lane bridges.
    Oh FYI....
    Peggy is out of "Bread & Milk" couldn't resist....let me tell ya have Barry & I got some stories. Thats funny, I thought I just heard a heavy sigh & a groan...amazing how sound travels!!
    Stay safe...

  2. Wow! How did they get so many days in February down there?

  3. Yeh! February is supposed to be the short month. That shot does indeed remind me of looking towards Owen Pt. and all those miles to hike. Does Thirsty mean no water and if so why build a culvert! Strange people "down south". Hey, are those birds a species of parrot?

  4. Greg, when I said it was the Cardrona Hilton, I wasn't kidding! Sorry, I should have told you what a very nice hotel it was. At one time, the government wanted to shut it down (who knows why?), but the locals resisted.

    Wonderful ride up to and then down from the Crown Range, wasn't it? Leddy and I did not have to face any construction going down, but we did have construction going up.

    You were lucky to get such a beautiful day at Milford Sound. Also you were wise to take the bus from Queenstown rather than fly - much too dangerous to take one of those little planes over the mountains.

