Saturday, February 12, 2011

February - 13 - Rain Delay

The weather forecast said we still had 100 more rain today, so we decided to take a day off.  Not much to do in Haast - we toured the entire shopping district (2 shops) in half an hour.  After we decided to stay it looked like the rain was going to hold off.  I was about to curse the rain gods but then the skys opened up and our sympathies went out to a couple of young Aussie bicyclists who had decided to continue.  We've probably had about 20 mm of the 100.  It is supposed to stop tonight.

Otherwise, Laura has been relaxing and I've been fiddling around on the computer.  I made up a couple of maps of our trip so far.

so far we've done just under 1800 km, split roughly equally between the two islands.


  1. 1800 kilometres that's an awful lot of cycling!

    Very wet here today as well, bucketing down, good job that we put the practice off until Sunday. Big wind gusts here as well tonight.


  2. Sorry about all the rain - even sounds like it's more than what we're experiencing!

    Hope the skies have brightened.

    Take care and Be safe.


  3. Gerry is having difficulty posting his message - check February 7th and it should be there. We are not having a very computer-friendly day here in North Vancouver!

    Leddy also sends his regards.

  4. You running out of island children! What you do when land go bye bye ...start paddle to Stewart?
