Saturday, February 5, 2011

February 5 - Nelson to Murchison - 129 km

Another early start today to get a jump on the heat.  Here's a couple of pix on the way out of  Nelson.  The first shows the traffic infrastructure for cyclists.  Note how they create cycle lanes, paint them green at intersections and add markings.  All very civilized.

Here is the flip side - don't cycle here at high tide or you will be in trouble!.

We stopped at Wakefield for a hot chocolate and a goodie.  Just beyond we saw our first South Island vineyard (Penticton, eh?) and this derelict house.

Today's ride is our longest day yet.  It was supposed to be easier than yesterday with two long climbs and one short steep one.  We did the first hill with a Kiwi who has been cycling around NZ for the last 5 weeks and many times previously.  In his estimation the hills on the North Island are steeper than those on the South.  Welcome news!  Let's hope its true.

A couple more humourous shots.  Keeping track of the Poo market, this place sells it for a dollar a bag.  A huge discount!

And check out this statue - recycling at its finest.

The sun came out on our second hill and made the rest of the day quite brutal.  We climbout out of one valley and into the Bulla River valley heading for the coast.  The scenery in the Bulla River valley is quite spectacular, and the river is apparently quite famous for fishing.

After numerous breaks and a lot of water consumed we made it into Murchison and got a room at the 

Lazy Cow Backpackers.  It shows you the power of a catchy name - I chose it because the name jumped 
out at me when I looked up accommodation on  my GPS.  Marvellous device - I can roll into town and with a few clicks get a list of accommodation in town and directions to them.  

Tomorrow, it's off to the coast at Westport.  Not as long a day and we are taking the next one off as well!


  1. Hi again great pictures. Ben got his daily laugh from the signs, but is a bit puzzled by the triple toilet. Do the Kiwis muli-task better than we do? Still no butt picture. Kye is off to his school training and will get a bath today. Have fun Ben and Pat

  2. I guess when you have lots of poop it pays, eventually, to try to sell it. Me, I have connections and never have to pay for my poo!
