So, a nice easy ride through rolling countryside today. Just out of Fairlee there was a viewpoint with one of those engraved plaques pointing out all the local mountains and features - at least where they are when you can see them!
Geraldine is a quaint little town. I took a photo of an old hotel downtown. Interestingly, the local bank (Westpac) is in a stone building of the same vintage as this, and they are closed today pending a structural evaluation due to yesterday's quake. This hotel and bar - she's open for business! Hmmm!
Geraldine owes its existence originally to timber and, no doubt sheep ranching after the timber was removed. It is a pretty town, at least it would be in nicer weather.
This photo is of our backpackers. It started life in the 30's as a maternity hospital. Now it is a very comfortable and not too expensive backpackers. The sheep belong to the residence next door.
Since there's not too much to talk about today, I might as well speak about F.R.E.D. (or FRED). FRED is Laura's nickname for my GPS. FRED stands for F... Ridiculous Electronic Device and I'll let you guess the first word. Before we left for NZ I was able to download street maps of all of NZ (free!). These included locations of all cities, hotels, restaurants, bars, etc. So all I have to do is pick out a location in a town we're heading for and FRED plots us a course there.
Laura thinks FRED has lead us astray a couple of times, hence the uncomlimentary name. However, FRED has a great chance to prove himself tomorrow. We are heading for the town of Methven. Laura checked the maps and found that we have to go 80 km. FRED looked at this and found a route along a secondary road that is only 69 km! So, Laura has promised to apologize to FRED if this shorter route pans out.
Stay tuned!
It's snowing big time right now so at least you are missing that! Any active volcanoes around there?...
I see from News reports that Chistchurch airport is full of people trying to get out of there, lots of line ups and flight delays. Lining up for food in Christchurch. Methven is getting pretty close to the epicentre. Keep out of those big stone building. reports of cyclists dodging boulders rolling down the hillsides. Keep your eyes skinned. Rick