After a sleep-in (07:30) I got up and did a little touring along the waterfront. I met this friend having a snooze out at the point. The NZ seals seem to be larger than our local variety.
Here's the old wharf near the point. It's looking pretty decrepit now, and is slated for redevelopment. The wharf at the whaling station is "Use at your own risk" - it's getting pretty unstable looking.
A view of downtown Kaikoura. I'm on the railway bridge as it goes over the main street. The business district is one street wide. Lots of funky cafes and bars along the street.
And here's photographic proof that I went swimming while in NZ. It wasn't particulary warm, and it was saltier than Georgia Strait.
Meet Cedric. I took out a mortgage and cashed in an insurance policy so I could buy him. He's a crayfish (no claws) and is the famous seafood dish here. I bought him in one of the few fish shops we've seen, and had an interesting discussion about the various types of seafood there. Remember the salmon farm I told you about - this fish store was selling their product. I had salmon for dinner last night, but was slightly disappointed as the flesh seemed "mushier" than our salmon.
Small world department: Leddy and Jerry - guess who pulled into town? Adventure South Bicycle Tours with a group of Danish cyclists. Their guide is a Dane, taking them on a special tour called "Willie's Trip.". Instead of staying one night and then going to Christchurch, they will be staying 3 nights. Their guide was busy organizing things for them to do.
Note - Adventure South runs escorted bicycle tours, where the bus carries everybody's gear and the cyclists ride to a specified destination each day.
Today's humour corner is brought to you by They are a car rental company that rents small crazily painted vans. These photos are of a couple I saw today in the town.
Every time one passes us on the road I try to read the "words of wisdom" on the back end. Some of the comments get pretty racy - I won't tell you the rudest I've seen.
Last photo - I saw this on the back of a great big garbage truck - I guess he was trying to calm down itchy drivers following him.
We're on the road again tomorrow, about 80 km to a biker's hostel called "Pedlar's Rest." I'm watching the news on the TV right now - there's gale force headwinds going to happen later tomorrow. They are predicting gusts of 90 km/hr Wednesday in Christchurch - those poor people just can't win.
We just came back from town after getting ice cream cones. We spotted a contractor whose firm name was blazoned across the side of his van: "Well Hung Wallpaper Services." These folks have a good sense of humour.