Monday, January 17, 2011

January 18 - Auckland to Pukekohe

January 18 - We made it!
After a long, mostly sleepless flight we arrived in Auckland.  We certainly weren't fresh as Daisies - more like stomped on Daisies.  And we lost a day crossing the International Date Line (I still think it's somewhere in Laura'a panniers).

The first thing we noticed about Auckland is that it's overcast and drizzling.  We've already been accused twice of dragging the weather with us.  So not many photos today - the obligaory photo outside the airport and one of me checking out new modes of transportation in Drury (bet its been a while since you saw one of those, eh?).
We cycled 42 damp kilometers today.  It's very warm so a bit of damp isn't a problem.  We're now at the Counties Inn in Pukekohe.

Cycling notes about the route - it appears that the Great South Road has had a number of sections of bike lanes added to it, so the traffic was not too bad, although trucks don't seem to make much of an attempt to move over for cyclists.


  1. Great stuff, glad to see that you got there safely and didn't forget the bikes. The lost day is probably in the tent, don't use the tent or you will have a really long night.
    It is showery here today but a warm ten degrees,
    Keep on Cycling
    Rick & Sue

  2. glad you both are having a great adventure. have sent your blog on to vicky and the grandkids so they can mark it in their map. The dog is fine and we are being trained very well
    Pat and Ben

  3. Happy to hear you are back on Terra Firma...stay high & dry! Hope you have a wonderful adventure!
    Janice & Barry

  4. Hi Laura and Greg,

    Glad to hear that you have begun your new adventure! Take care.

    Julie and Ian and Jesse ( Kye's cousin)

  5. Thanks so much for the phone call - I have never been impressed with Skype,but must not grumble!
    The wind can certainly curtail, or make it pretty hard going in NZ, but count your blessings, you could be here in the pouring rain and cold.
    Your little darling, Laura, is being well cared for and very well behaved!!
    Look forward to the next installment - I am envious
